Week 12
As we all know, one of the main goals in copy writing is to
persuade. A good copywriter has the ability to influence people’s buying
decision by using words. It is no a difficult task for a professional
copywriter to persuade. However, it is a different story when it comes to
persuade ethically. One of the most eye opening ethical approach for
copywriting is to understand the meaning between ethical selling and sleazy
selling. There is a fine line between the two, ethical selling is to persuade
people into buying something they need whereas sleazy selling does not consider
whether the audiences can afford or need your product or not. The goal is to
just sell, to gain profit. Although it is not wrong to do so, yet it is not
what an ethical copy writer is suppose to do.
The rule of thumb is to always tell the truth. A good
copywriter should always tell the truth, the real truth no the misleading
truth. What does misleading truth mean? It means not telling the entire
features but hiding some of the truths. Although you may not lie, it still
considered as unethical if you hide some of the facts from your customers. In
fact, a good copywriter should always put the buyers’ needs first, by
persuading people into buying things only if it benefits them. A good ethical copywriter
should always put the true benefit of products at the back of their mind, and
not the income. A successful copywriter is determined by the satisfaction of
the customers and not the amount of money they earn.
Signing off : Lau Ko Yin 0308565