Saturday 6 September 2014

Classical Print Advertisement 2

Week 2

post 2

Julian Koenig

Media: Internet print ad.
Ad Title: Lemon.
Headline: The headline of the ad is "Lemon" which made the ad look much more interesting and unique than any other ad as it is a car in the photo.
Body Copy: The body copy is rather lengthy and not very interesting because of the word lemon been used as describe for the poor quality cars. They are trying to tell the people that each and every car produced in VW goes through 3389 inspectors.
Slogan: The slogan, "We pluck the lemons, you get the plums" is interesting as it catches attention and simple.
Visuals: Not very interesting as it did not describe much about the headline as the main meaning of the ad is from the body copy itself and it is not very related to the visual.
Ad strategy: Julian Koenig's copyrighting focuses on promoting the services and inspection required for each car to go through in the all the stages of production to ensure the quality of the car is better than any other car and it requires less maintenance as in the body copy itself says that VW are get rejected even if there are surface scratches barely visible to the eye. The headline catches attention of readers or viewers to think whether this is an ad about a fruit or a car but the headline of the ad is not very much related to the car itself.
By : Lim Sze Young

Sign off by : Lim Sze Young  0319254


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Words count was over 250 and i have reduce it by throwing unnecessary sentences to fit in the words requirement. Other than that, spelling issues detected such as aer, stratergy and grammar mistake detected so i edited it into the rules of grammar. Furthermore, Ad strategy was not enough details as described, so that i have added some details regarding the ad strategy.

    Editor: Chan Chi Rap

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