Friday 31 October 2014

Interesting New Media Advertisement 1

Week 9

Post 1

Digi Banner Ad

To create a banner ad, the first thing the ad must have is the headline. The top part of the ad must have headline to let people know what the ad is trying to deliver. The DIGI banner ad headline it stated “enjoy your favorite videos with out-of-this-world clarity on the Samsung Galaxy Note 4”. It means they want us to enjoy watching our favorite videos in a clear quality by using the new Samsung Galaxy Note 4. They use interesting words.
For the interactivity, a banner ad must also interact with users. The ad not only needs to grab attention but also interact with them. The message that they trying to convey towards the users must interact with users so users can understand the ad.
The writing style in the ad it is short and simple and also uses interesting words that can grab people’s attention. The writing style must keep it simple and with strong copy, the less the better for people to read because they do not have time.

The ad also stated the benefits, it stated “get yours now with DG SmartPlan, for the most complete internet experience”. Digi is a telecommunication company so it stated their benefits about their DG SmartPlan, the benefits are they want the users using the DG SmartPlan will experience the most internet experience. They also stated the call to action “get yours now”, they want to encourage the users by getting the DG SmartPlan now. It uses meaningful message instead of a boring click button. 

Signing Off by : Chin Yuli 0318573

Monday 20 October 2014

Reflection 6 (Best TV Commercial)


Week 8

Considerations for making a good broadcast ad or radio ad is a must. For TV ads. First, put people in your commercial. People relate to other people. Putting people into your commercial can help draw your target audience in as opposed for interior or exterior of the environment. Have them doing something that relates to your business. Next, plan out your video. It’s crucial you not cram a bunch of video into the small amount of time you have for your commercial. Your video should tell the story about what you are advertising even if a customer has their volume turned down. Writing the script is also important that do not extend too long.  Use short sentences that grab your potential customer's attention. You've got a very limited time frame to capture your audience and you need to get your message across quickly. Don't get wrapped up in long sentences. Keep them short and punchy. As for the radio, message should be in convincing tone with several effective delivery of message. Make sure even for tv or radio ads, audio and video must control carefully to perform creatively. Lastly, both radio and tv ad should include call to action delivery message to grab audience reverse responds.

Signing off by : Yap Shi Ying 0306133

Saturday 18 October 2014

Best TV Commercials 2

Week 8

Post 2

Snickers bar TV Commercial

The TV commercial is about Snickers chocolate bar. It uses celebrity Mr.Bean in the commercial as we all know he is a famous comedian, it can grab consumer’s attention easily. A commercial must open strong to capture consumer’s attention.
A commercial must have creativity. In this commercial they use Mr.Bean that is entertaining. It showed Mr.Bean clumsily tries to keep up with group of Chinese warriors as they fly from one rooftop to another. When he crashes through a roof and fell down, he was surrounded by a group of enemy warriors, the group of Chinese warriors gives him a Snickers bar. After taking a bite, he transforms into a warrior and flies out from the roof.
The commercial it showed the benefit after grabbing a bite of Snickers you will become stronger. The slogan “You Are Not You When You’re Hungry” is when guys get hungry, theyre off their game and Snickers is the bar of substance that can sort them out. They display the product when Mr.Bean grabs a bite and the ending they showed the product close up. They also mentioned the slogan during the ending to make consumers remember.
To create a good commercial it must be memorable and effective. If the start of the commercial are not effective it consider as fail.

Signing off by : Chin Yuli 0318573

Best TV Commercials 1

Week 8

Post 1

This Mercedes Benz SLS AMG is the best commercial that I have ever seen. This advertisement brings out that all the elements of the car. It shows that this car is powerful enough to flip in the tunnel.

A good commercial advertisement must able attract the audience, for example, this commercial ad produced a very good effect and it did attract the audience by showing how powerful the car is. On the other hand, this ad had used Michael Schumacher as the actor of this commercial. The fame of Michael Schumacher is that most of the people around the world knows about him and they will watch the ad because of him. Besides that, in this ad it also shows that how elegant the car it, to attract the people to look at the ad. A commercial must add in the elements of a product, benefits and functions of the product. 

Signing off by : Low Zhi Hui  0314910

Saturday 11 October 2014

Reflection 5 (Writing Styles and Layout)


Week 7

Writing is a craft. Skilled writers incorporate stylistic techniques into their writing for rhetorical effect. In other words, stylistic techniques enhance a piece of writing’s aesthetic, emotional or intellectual appeal. Certainly, the content of a text is important, but a writer who can organize his ideas in a unique and provocative way can increase his writing’s allure(Smith,2010). What I learn for the writing with style was that in an advertisement, there’s technique in writing the body copy in a convincing and desirable tone due to the use of style in order to grab audience’s attentions. The new writing style that I have explored is that writers can use their imaginations to express ideas through figurative devices. Figurative devices, such as metaphor, simile, irony and hyperbole, make unusual comparisons for dramatic effect. For example, a political advertisement that reads “The current leader is gouging you with taxes” utilizes both metaphor -- unusual comparison -- and hyperbole -- exaggeration -- by comparing taxation to excessive digging. In conclusion, for creative writers, there’s a limit in terms of stylistic writing techniques. They even use different style. A technique that involves interspersing dialogues or thoughts of two different people. Hence, writing with style is very effective in an advertisement.

Signing off by: Chan Chi Rap 0306431

Interesting Writing Styles and Layout Advertisement 2

Week 7

Post 2

This print advertisement is about the BMW advertisement. The layout and the style that been used suit the theme of the advertisement because the woman in the ad will attract man’s attention and most probably man will interested in BMW car, that is why the color been used is not really dull, a little bit of bright color just to easily get man’s attention in using that color. The style that this advertisement been used is woman portray to attract the attention of the man, telling the man that they are not the first. All the man would like to challenge something to get first, so it used this statement “you know you’re not the first” to make it more interesting.
On the other hand, they also used a mixture of another short sentence, which is “but do you really care” just to get the attention of the men out there. 

Signing off by : Yap Shi Ying

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Interesting Writing Styles and Layout Advertisement 1

Week 7

Post 1

This print advertisement basically is about stop the abortion. The layout and the style that been used suit the theme of the advertisement. It is because abortion is about the darkness of killing a baby, that is why the color been used is grey and white. Besides that, this advertisement has a distinct voice of style, it is telling us that we must help to speak up the pain of the abortion; the style been used that a baby was holding on a hand and placed on the middle of the advertisement is to attract the attention of the audiences, telling the audiences that how small is a baby’s life, we shouldn’t do abortion we should stop it. The baby is too small, they couldn’t voice out the pain of it, but we could.

On the other hand, it also used alliteration as like “Speak up” and “Stop the War on Children”. Next, they also used a mixture of a long and short sentence, the long sentences contains of telling us to stop abortion because the children feels the pain and also the address to get the contact to speak up the abortion.

Signing off by : Low Zhi Hui 0314910

Saturday 4 October 2014

Reflection 4 (Bad/Uneffective Body Copy)

Week 6


Reflection: Discuss five points about bad/ uneffective body copy and layout of a print ad.

A body copy is an essential part of any print ad, it is basically the main message of an ad. Most often the real message of an ad is in the body copy. Hence, it is vital to create an body copy which is effective. There are certain rules to follow in order to write an good body copy and here are some things to avoid when writing a body copy.

1. Fancy unreadable fonts.
An effective print ad should not use any fancy fonts especially when it is difficult on the eyes. Readers would not bother to read on if the fonts are difficult to be distinguish. An effective body copy must lead readers to read every word on it, therefore serif or san serif fonts are most appropriate for a good body copy.

2. Selling too hard on the product.
A good body copy should emphasize on selling the message rather than the product itself. It's purpose should be centered to enlighten, explain readers about the benefits they can possibly gain from the product.

3. Layout out of balance
An effective ad should always follow the layout hierarchy. An ad with no or small headlines, poor image selection, image clutter and etc is absolutely a big turn off for readers.

4. Lengthy and bombastic words.
Always use short, simple and common words in the body copy.

5. Cliches
Last but not least, cliches are also a turn off for readers. A good print ad should not be too expectable.

Signing off : KoYin Lau 0308565

Friday 3 October 2014

Effective Advertisement concept (AIDCA) 2

Week 6

Post 2

This advertisement is about a person who likes to drink and drive and it interprets the message for the drivers do not drink and drive it causes you dead or maybe it causes other people dead.

Attention: As for the statement in the print ad which is “Stop the violence, don’t drink and drive.” The DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE words highlighted in red color just to grabs the attention of the audience because accident seems is a serious issue. And the visual image shows that audiences who drink and drive will cause an accident because it is dangerous.
Interest: It inspires interest for those who like to drink and drive and wanted to quit to makes a change.

Desire: This advertisement is for drivers who desire to stop drink and drive and it deliver the messages should desire the drivers to get start about it.

Credibility: As the messages are send in strong words that causing dead issue, drivers who drink and drive get convince in order to change their mind to quit this habit.

Action: Last message stated that DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE. The word is call to action message sent to audiences in order to don’t drink and drive to prevent any accident or killing issues.

Signing off by : Yap Shi Ying 0306133

Thursday 2 October 2014

Effective Advertisement concept (AIDCA) 1

Week 6

Post 1

This advertisement is basically about smoking and it stated the message for audience to harm and think that smoking can harm everybody even causes dead.
Attention: As for the headline (NO MORE KILLING), the KILLING words highlighted in red grabs the attention of the audience because killing seems is a serious issue. Also, the body copy stated that every person dies 8 seconds from smoking means that smoking really cause a serious matter for society and it produces harm and terrific to the audience who smoking. The last message was STOP SMOKING NOW! as in a form of call to action messages to deliver to audience to stop smoking.

Interest: It inspires interest for those who are still smoking and wanted to quit so the messages should hit them critically.

Desire: This advertisement is for audience who desire to quit smoking and the messages should desire the audience to get start about it.

Credibility: As the messages are deliver credibility due to the harm and strong words that causing dead issue, audiences get convince in order to change their mind.

Action: Last message stated that STOP SMOKING NOW! Call to action message sent to audience in order to take action and stop smoking to prevent health problem and dead.

Signing off by: Chan Chi Rap 0306431