Tuesday 25 November 2014

Reflection 10 (most eye-opening regarding ethical approaches to COPYWRITING)


Week 12

As we all know, one of the main goals in copy writing is to persuade. A good copywriter has the ability to influence people’s buying decision by using words. It is no a difficult task for a professional copywriter to persuade. However, it is a different story when it comes to persuade ethically. One of the most eye opening ethical approach for copywriting is to understand the meaning between ethical selling and sleazy selling. There is a fine line between the two, ethical selling is to persuade people into buying something they need whereas sleazy selling does not consider whether the audiences can afford or need your product or not. The goal is to just sell, to gain profit. Although it is not wrong to do so, yet it is not what an ethical copy writer is suppose to do.
The rule of thumb is to always tell the truth. A good copywriter should always tell the truth, the real truth no the misleading truth. What does misleading truth mean? It means not telling the entire features but hiding some of the truths. Although you may not lie, it still considered as unethical if you hide some of the facts from your customers. In fact, a good copywriter should always put the buyers’ needs first, by persuading people into buying things only if it benefits them. A good ethical copywriter should always put the true benefit of products at the back of their mind, and not the income. A successful copywriter is determined by the satisfaction of the customers and not the amount of money they earn.

Signing off : Lau Ko Yin 0308565

Print Avertisement 2(one medical or hygiene product, and the other -children's ad)

Week 12

Post 2

The print ad shown above is about child abuse. This print ad is showing that the child get abuse by people nowadays. People nowadays are very rude to the children and did not give respect to them, it is an unethical issue. This print ad is created and helps to solve this problem to the child. As for the headline, he gets his looks from his father. This headline was stating they got the look from his parents and they did nothing wrong. As you can see, there is a contact number to contact whenever children get abuse because is to stop children being bully or abuse by people. The headline, to me is quite interesting so it catches audience's attention easily. However, This print ad do not have body text because the headline is already very clear to send the message to the audience out there. Not only that, the visual that they are using is a children and injury on his face which is means the child get abuse or bully by people out there. Nevertheless, the face expression of the child looks very sad, which tells the audience to stop bully. However, this print ad helps to stop people out there who is still bullying other children.

Signing off by : Yap Shi Ying

Print Avertisement 1(one medical or hygiene product, and the other -children's ad)

Week 12

Post 1

The print ad shown above is about a body hygiene product for underarm called Rexona. Rexona helps to cure underarm smell and whitening cleanness for the underam because underarm smell is an unexpected serious habit and it creates rudeness to people around you, it is an unethical habit. So that, Rexona is created and helps to solve this problem for this print ad. As for the headline, use rexona women every after bath. Nothing keeps you drier every day. This headline was stating the method of using rexona, the effect of rexona and it targets women audience. The proper way of using rexona was use it every time when they finish bath, just roll on their underarm and it will feel fresh, smells good and comfort. It will maintain for long hours and nothing keeps them drier. The headline was interesting and sounds convincing so it definitely grab audience’s attention. Furthermore, this print ad does not have body text because they want to deliver the message through headline and visual. The visual they are using is a woman using rexona after bath in the bathroom. The face expression of the woman tells the audience that it is fresh and comfort after using it, so it brings confidence to individual. This print ad helps to boost ethical approach in society as underarm smell was really irritating and build rudeness to people around you. So that, this print ad also deliver ethical behavior to the audience as they think is good and they will purchase it.

Signing off by : Chan Chi Rap 0306431  

Saturday 15 November 2014

Reflection 9 (Good Press Release)


Week 11

Press releases do not just keep the media and the indutry informed of your company's recen

developemen, they do more than that. They are meant to get the journalist seek to cover the topic

further or more detail. In order to write a good press release that will get published by editors,

there ae a few tips in writing a good press release. First of all, which is to grab the attention by

having a good headline. A strong headline will pull and grab attention of journalist seeking good

stories. Be straight forward in the first paragraph by getting to the right point by puting the main

point of the article or press release in the first sentence and other supporing points later on.

Besides that, numbers should be included as a proof in order to support your article that are

claiming something base on research. A press release should be gramatically flawless because a

singlemistake can dissuade a reporter from taking you seriously. Furthermore, quotes and

citations can be included when there is space. By including a good quote from someone in the

company or close to the product or event can give a human element to the press release, as well

as being a ource of information on its own.

Your contact information should always be included because a common element that can render

a press release ineffectual is a lack of contact information for reporters to follow up with. When

writing a good press release, the number of pages is very important. It is best and adviced to keep

it to one page and two pages is the maximum. Lastly, providing access to more information and

relevant links to your company's website, where writers can learn more about your mission as this

is a very crucial element to the press release. Do not make writers search on their own for extra

information but guide them as quickly as possible.

Signing off by : Lim Sze Young 0319254

Best advocacy or image/ corporate advertising advertisement 2

Week 11

Post 2

Advocacy advertising promotes the view point of the company’s outlook on various issues, simply put, it is to generate sales by promoting an opinion. However, most advocacy ads are non-commercialize.
The ad I haven chosen is a “pro-life” advocacy advertisement. I find this ad outstanding as the visuals and headline has the ability to draw my attention, even though the visuals are entirely black and white. The ad cleverly uses different size of fonts, manipulating the boldness and size of typography to deliver the main argument of the ad.
In addition, because of how simple the color choice is, and the boldness and size difference of the words and images, this poster has a very serious nature, making it have some effect on the audience.
Also, this ad is obviously targeted at Americans, and by critiquing the Americans so straight forwardly, it is quite a good motivator to make the Americans more aware of the issue.

On the downside, although this ad effectively delivers the message, it did not state any details about the organization behind the campaign. There are no Call-to-action as well. All in all, I think this is an effectively advocacy ad as it has a good headline, a good argument. Yet, marketing wise, it is a bad ad as it did not have sufficient details about the company or organization.

Signing Off : Lau Ko Yin 0308565

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Best advocacy or image/ corporate advertising advertisement 1

Week 11

Post 1

This ad was advertise by an organization called HealthStrategiesGroup. Market research is worthless. Until it’s transformed into knowledge that works for you. The headline and tagline from the ad is extremely effective to those market researcher learner. Therefore, from this statement, if you do market research blindly is totally useless unless it becomes a knowledge that means market researcher needs to make use of the knowledge for market research because it will become worthless by wasting a lot of time doing market research. The message delivered was to inform market researcher to be smart of using knowledge. According to the body copy of paragraph 1, people do market research to find a solution on market business decisions but market research is totally worthless when people sift to find meaning for their brand because just seek for the meaning is not enough at all by just getting nothing. Market research should transform into knowledge along with forming strategies to equip for market researcher then it will become extremely effective for market researcher to achieve their specific business goals. Next body copy paragraph 2, the message delivered by the organization was to provide benefits to market researcher, it helps market researcher to transform research results into the practical knowledge and strategic recommendations that work for market researcher which is very effectively prize by requesting their help because market research is very effective once convert to strategy. Lastly, the organization provide a call to action by stating the number of their organization which pull market research to find them.

Signing off by : Chan Chi Rap 0306431

Saturday 8 November 2014

Reflection 8 (How to create an engaging and successful fundraising letter?)


Week 10

Firstly, the letter begins considering both your audience and your specific plans. What will appeal to your readers? What might make them really feel the urgency of your request? Why does your cause touch their heart?

Consider inserts or add elements to your letter to help to show your readers what will your organization do and how important it is. Show pictures of those who are helped by your organization, make it clear how it improves lives. Also consider inserts such as a copy of a new article about your cause, reminding the readers what you have done recently.

You can also share stories of how your organization has helped people, the situations you have seen that caused you want to help. Tell a story about success to inspire, and describe what you saw when you came to help. Make the story inspiring, engaging and exciting to create interest for the readers.
The letter makes it clear, that there can be a real emotional value to giving to those in need and reinforce the feeling of appreciation. Readers want to know why and they can become emotionally as well.

Consider news headlines into your fundraising campaign to catch the reader’s attention. Using the headline they drew immediate attention, consider using a headline that refers to popular media or recent news to quickly draw attention and understanding from your readers.
Thank you letters should addressed by name to the individual. Remind readers that they are valuable people, not just names on bulk mail list.

Signing off by : Chin Yuli 0318573